Opening of the International Historical Comics Festival Brasov

14-17 October 2021 Evaluation meeting in Brasov, Romania The middle of autumn found the participants in the CAN for BALKANS project in the heart of Transylvania, in a setting specific to city placed so close to the mountains: rainy foggy weather, but with a lot of good vibes and activities …

Meeting the local artistic environment

22 August 2021 | Veles, North Macedonia An event was held on August 22, where all the project partners had the opportunity to present their organizations, their work, activities, as well as participation in the project. Also, the Comic Center of Macedonia presented its long-term publishing activity, which abounds with …

Official opening of the 3rd Comic colony “Veles 2021”

20 August 2021 | Veles, North Macedonia The almost end of the summer brought the CAN for BALKANS project teams in Veles, North Macedonia Official opening of the 3rd Comic colony “Veles 2021” The 3rd Comic Colony “Veles 2021” officially started on 20th August, organized by the coordinators of Comic …

Meeting the local artistic environment + debate

1 August 2021 | Tirana, Albania Let’s talk / listen about graphic novels in Albania The third day in Tirana was focused on the project topics, because one of the most important aspects of this project is the connection between the different artistic environments involved and the knowledge of local …