22 August 2021 | Veles, North Macedonia

An event was held on August 22, where all the project partners had the opportunity to present their organizations, their work, activities, as well as participation in the project.

Also, the Comic Center of Macedonia presented its long-term publishing activity, which abounds with published comics, books, catalogs, comic chronicles, magazines, illustrated books for children, etc. Throughout these editions, fruitful collaboration with numerous artists and screenwriters is intertwined, not only from Macedonia, but also from the Balkans, Europe and beyond.

Gani Jakupi! Comic book lovers know why!

On this meeting, many artists from Veles and other cities in Macedonia were present. They were introduced with the concept of the project and the advantages of the cultural network created by it. Together they identified the problems related to comics in particular, graphic arts in general, and identified other organizations and authorities interested in supporting the project.

After the presentation about the project, there was a question-and-answer session and, at the end, free discussions.

An important discussion was the one on the topic “The influence of the Balkan comic schools in the creation of the European and world comic”. Balkan comics schools have educated many comics artists who have continued their work in Europe and worldwide, which certainly created and influenced the comics scene. This discussion was led by Marko Stojanovic, teacher from School of comics “Nikola Mitrovic – Kokan from Leskovac, Serbia, who is a prominent name in the world of comics worldwide.

Also a workshop was held with Gani Jakupi, a prominent name in the world of comics. He presented to the audience his work, experiences and thoughts as an experienced connoisseur of this topic.

CAN for BALKANS meeting in Veles, North Macedonia: